“A sustainable and equitable future, to me, means mental, physical, and economic liberation.”

NAAEE EE 30 Under 30 

NAAEE EE 30 Under 30 

Chief Learning Officer

Chief Learning Officer


Marine Biologist

Symone is a proud Baltimore-born scientist and educator who has had a wide range of experiences in the marine science field.

During undergrad at Hampton University, Symone was supported by the NOAA Educational Partnership Program and when obtaining her Master's at Delaware State University, she was a recipient of a graduate fellowship through NOAA. Symone has studied algae, blue crabs, sand tiger, and sandbar sharks over the years in undergrad and graduate school.


Scientist Symone presents on building authentic partnerships.

Learn how the National Aquarium is staffing a large-scale MWEE in Baltimore City through authentic partnerships with local colleges/universities and how you can apply their strategies to your own partnership work.

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Scientist Symone created A Peace of Nature kits to foster a passion for STEM learning and sustainability in youth through hands-on activities.

Each kit will include a book directly related to an activity which features a typically excluded/underrepresented audience (e.g., girls in STEM, individuals with disabilities, Black scientists, etc.); all the resources required for the feature activity; and video tutorials with detailed, step-by-step instructions.